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Forskarkommentar: ”Vårbudgeten gör inte mycket för att rusta Sverige”

Av evelina [dot] linden [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - publicerad 16 april 2018 Foto: Finansdepartemenetet Regeringens vårbudget med 2,6 miljarder kronor till att bland annat stärka tryggheten i samhället och göra vården mer tillgänglig och effektiv får inte riktigt nationalekonomen Andreas Bergh att göra vågen. Han vädrar valårstaktik och hade istället velat se tydligare prioriteri - 2025-03-27

Nu går det att se hur nanotrådar växer i direktsändning

Publicerad 17 april 2018 Mikroskopet är känsligt för vibrationer och magnetfält och därför placerat i en betongbunker. Kimberly Dick Thelander är en forskarna som kommer använda mikroskopet. Bild: Kristina Lindgärde Ett nytt mikroskop med superskarp upplösning – bilden kan förstoras upp till 50 miljoner gånger – har flyttat in på Kemicentrum. I första skedet ska det användas av nanoforskare som dä - 2025-03-27

Fyra svenska städer blir testpiloter för delningsekonomi

Publicerad 17 april 2018 Bild: Lunds universitet Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö och Umeå blir teststäder i ett nytt nationellt program för delningsekonomi. "Framtidens städer står inför stora utmaningar. Sverige ska bli ledande när det gäller att utveckla de lösningar som delningsekonomin innebär, säger Kes McCormick vid Lunds universitet. Den 23 april lanseras programmet Sharing Cities Sweden. Bilar, - 2025-03-27

Vårt allt varmare klimat påverkar arbetslivet

Publicerad 17 april 2018 Karin Lundgren-Kownacki förbereder försöksperson inför cykling i klimatkammaren. Bild Erik Andersson. Människor som arbetar i varma klimat är en utsatt grupp när klimatförändringarna bidrar till allt högre temperaturer. Att arbeta i hetta kan leda till värmestress med negativa hälsoeffekter som följd. Om temperaturen fortsätter stiga kommer det inte vara möjligt att arbeta - 2025-03-27

Nya rön om ämnesomsättning och plack kan lyfta hjärt-kärlforskning

Publicerad 17 april 2018 Fr vä: Doktorand Lukas Tomas, försteförfattare tillsammans med forskargruppsledaren Harry Björkbacka. Foto: Björn Martinsson Ny forskning från Lunds universitet visar att inflammerade, instabila åderförkalkningsplack har en ämnesomsättning som särskiljer dem från stabila plack. Resultaten visar också på likheter mellan ämnesomsättningen i instabila plack och cancerceller. - 2025-03-27

Sista avsnittet av ERCcOMICS ”A Cell’s Life”

Publicerad 17 april 2018 Illustration: Alessandro Tota (artist), Fiamma Luzzati (storyboard artist) . Under 2017 tog ERC, European Research Council, ett nytt grepp för att göra forskning tillgänglig för en bredare publik – nämligen tecknade serier. Malin Parmar, professor i cellulär neurovetenskap vid Lunds universitet och med anslag från bland annat ERC, är en av de svenska forskare som fick en t - 2025-03-27

Summary of ClimBEco winter meeting 2021

Published 29 January 2021 The different disciplines represented at the ClimBEco winter meeting 2021. The theme of the ClimBEco annual meeting was “Multidisciplinary learning environments – seizing their opportunities and avoiding their pitfalls”. After an icebreaker that included seeing some sweet ‘corona-pets’ in the screens, we brought ourselves onto the level of metaphysics and the multiple way - 2025-03-27

Smog, ozone and particles in Beijing - with BECC focus

Published 11 June 2014 Photochemical smog, including tropospheric ozone and fine particles, is an important environmental concern over large parts of the world with strong connections to climate change climate policies. Especially in densely populated regions of the world with fast growing economies, such as China and India, there is a great risk for rising levels of air pollutants such as ozone w - 2025-03-27

Soldiers, snakes and marathon runners in the hidden world of fungi

By jan [dot] olsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 3 February 2021 Researchers have discovered individual traits in fungi in their hunt for food. Maze-like structure made of silicone. (Photo: Kristin Aleklett Kadish). BECC researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered the individual traits of fungi, and how their hyphae – that is, the fungal threads that grow in so - 2025-03-27

The Bee Effect - a movie about pollinators and human influence

Published 11 June 2014 The movie "The Bee Effect" is a movie about pollinators, the changes in the agricultural landscape and human impact. Researcher Maj Rundlöf is one of the interviewed researchers in the movie, which can be seen on SVT Play. About the movie:"In recent years there has been a dramatic reduction of pollinators, mainly due to pesticides, diseases and changes in the agricultural la - 2025-03-27

Assignment to the Swedish Forestry Agency to start re-wetting drained peatlands

Published 24 May 2021 The Swedish government has on 20 May 2021 decided on an assignment to the Swedish Forestry Agency to start re-wetting drained peatlands to reduce the amount of climate gases. This decision is based on the government inquiry “Vägen till en klimatpositiv framtid” (SOU2020:4). Findings from BECC-researchers, among others Åsa Kasimir, Katarina Hedlund, Jessica Coria, Mark Brady, - 2025-03-27

Climate benefits of the forest – a balancing act in prioritisation

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 2 June 2021 The forest has many benefits. What climate benefit you get by leaving the forest for storing carbon, or by extracting biomass that can replace fossil raw materials, largely depends on the time horizon. Photo: kn1/IStockphoto. The forest is currently at the centre of an intense debate. It concerns, in - 2025-03-27

Urban private gardens promote biodiversity

By izabella [dot] rosengren [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Izabella Rosengren) - published 11 August 2021 Helena Hanson, researcher. Photo: Anna Maria Erling. They become smaller as urbanisation increases. Troublesome, according to researcher Helena Hanson, because urban private gardens affect both cities’ biodiversity and human wellbeing by functioning as social green spaces. Now she strikes a blow - 2025-03-27

What comes next: after the IPCC climate change report

By lotte [dot] billing [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotte Billing) - published 12 August 2021 Climate researchers Markku Rummukainen and Kimberly Nicholas are interviewed about the latest UN climate panel report. Photo by NOAA on Unsplash. Two Lund University climate scientists, Kimberly Nicholas, who has acted as an observer at two global climate summits, and Markku Rummukainen, Sweden’s IPCC repre - 2025-03-27

New report: Measures that support both the climate and biodiversity

Published 10 July 2021 Climate change and biodiversity losses have long been addressed in parallel organisations. Now the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are launching the first global report that integrates the two issues. This is a welcome and much needed move, according to three - 2025-03-27

Call for presentations and posters: BECC Annual meeting 2021

By lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Lina Nikoleris) - published 2 September 2021 Photo: Charlotte Carlberg This year's Annual meeting: Ecosystem-based climate mitigation and adaptation ​Submit your title and abstract (250 words) by 15th of October. ​ Call for presentations 4 talks will be selected Length: 10 minutes incl. questions ​Submit your title and abstract (250 words) by 15t - 2025-03-27

Summary of ClimBEco summer meeting 2021 - Food and.....everything else

By cheryl [dot] sjostrom [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Cheryl Sjöström and Helena Gonzales Lindberg) - published 24 September 2021 At this ClimBEco summer meeting, mostly held online but with parallel in-person workshops in Gothenburg, Lund and Malmö, was themed around one of humanities ultimate equalizers; that of food. The way we produce, move and use food globally has important implications on ju - 2025-03-27

BECC guest researchers: Professor Nina Buchmann and Associated professor Oliver Sonnentag

Published 27 September 2021 Welcome to Professor Nina Buchmann from the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zürich. The main research topics of Nina Buchmann include (1) plant and ecosystem physiology, (2) biogeochemistry of terrestrial ecosystems, i.e., forest, grassland and cropland, particularly the response of soil and ecosystem carbon, nitrogen and water dynamics to climatic co - 2025-03-27

BECC guest researcher: Professor Adam Hitchcock

Published 5 October 2021 Lawrence, Hitchcock et al 2003 Professor Adam Hitchcock is one of the most renown and experienced researchers in x-ray adsorption microscopy and especially soft X-ray transmission microscopy (STXM). He has been a full professor at the department of Chemistry at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario since 1989.  A major part of his work is the development of new experime - 2025-03-27

The Glasgow climate summit - what is it about and why does it matter?

By lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Lina Nikoleris) - published 27 October 2021 Image: IStock On October 31st, representatives from across the globe will gather in Glasgow for two weeks to attend the UN climate change conference COP26. Expectations are high following last year's canceled conference, and the IPCC report released in August. As part of the Paris Agreement in 2015, it - 2025-03-27